Stuffed animal workshop with “Sevedsplaneten”!

Thursday, 28/3, 4-6 pm
Drop in and experiment with materials and techniques such as ceramics, drawing, face painting or baking. Together, we build up Sevedsplaneten, a new world for plants, animals and humans with new things, flavors and smells. In this workshop, you are welcome to fantasize about another possible world.
What do you want to take with you on the journey to Sevedsplaneten? A heart robot, a flying shoe, a stone from Sevedsplan that reminds you of the earth we live on? Bring a toy or something else that you want to rebuild, or work with the material that we provide. We have glue guns, tape, paint, wire, and other materials. Come by and try out, enjoy some fika and get to know our art workshops!
The workshop is free of charge; we offer materials and fika. For children up to 12 years (and everyone who wants to join).
Every other week in spring, we offer free art workshops for children where we examine Sevedsplaneten together. Our workshops are part of the project “Södra Sofielunds Museum”, run by Skånes konstförening over a period of two-years. Skånes konstförening is a place for art and culture in Malmö, located in a former textile factory in the area Seved, Södra Sofielund. Our workshops are held in both Swedish and English.
Our activities are presented with the support of Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Kulturrådet, ABF and the support of Region Skåne’s “ung kraft”.