What’s left from my heart: FCNN, Ileana Faur & Raluca Croitoru

Skånes konstförening
October 25–November 24 2019
Opening and opening events: October 25, 6-9 pm
The show concluding two years of the curatorial programme aims to focus on the tension between wanting to represent, take place/space, belong and the limits and instrumentalisation of these needs or wants, the fear for the future as reflected in the past, by the past and by personal histories.
What’s left from my heart is a tool for completion, one possible ending of a love story, or of a cortége of affairs—with contexts, people and ideas. This ending is bittersweet and gives the chance to ask all important albeit generic questions: How do you feel? What now? How was it? And what’s love got to do with it?
Ileana Faur and Raluca Croitoru are travelling to Malmö to rekindle loves long lost, the kind of loves that come from working together, from going into the farthest depths of human pain—and to remember old commonalities within the struggles of their present. Crying, negation, consolation will protrude from their installations and performance like slightly too sharp fingernails from a tight glove, and absent waters will invade each imperfect corner of the gallery space.
FCNN will confront us with the possibilities and roots of rage, slicing apart respectability and so-called Nordic exceptionalism. One day before the opening, they will gather with invited guests for a dinner that will sever through the politeness, separate words from their pretence, and condemn the consequences of privilege. The dinner table, the traces of words flying in the air will remain in the gallery as an installation, referencing both Sara Ahmed’s writings and the experience of each dinner guest.
How will the opening look? Or the next days, for persons walking in the posterity of what was lived before? Or the rest of our lives? We wonder.
Artists’ statements and bio:
Another Dinner, Ruined
Vol. 0.2
Did you ever have to listen to your racist uncle at a family dinner? Had to shut up at work in order to keep the good atmosphere? Recognise becoming a problem when addressing a problem? We do. Every day.
In 2018, Space 27 and Feminist Collective with No Name invited 13 Killjoys to a dinner party to dismantle these phenomena and disrupt the good atmosphere. We discussed call-out strategies, shared killjoy stories and gossiped about everyday oppressions over a lovely meal. Emotional shout outs and tears are part of the conversation as well as humble listening and learning.
The Next dinner is coming to your City – more soon – stay tuned.
Another Dinner Ruined is an open-ended activist and film collective founded in 2018 by Myra El Mir, Janine Khadawe, Dina El-Kaisy Friemuth, Lil B. Wachmann, Anita Beikpour, Elsy Hajjar and Maya Helou.
Presented by Space27 and Feminist Collective With No Name with support from The Danish Arts Foundation.

FCNN, Another dinner, Ruined, 2018
Ileana Faur
Les vents ici sont délirants,
Les herbes s’étendent à plat
Et les eaux se précipitent sur le rocher.
Je perds la partie triste de moi.
Je la perds contre la terre
Le vent la lève et me la pousse…
J’étouffe, criant et puis elle est partie
Tarir la source…
Et le petit mot se détachant
Une histoire de disparition.
(English translation:
Winds here are delirious
The grass lays flat
And the waters rush on rock.
I’m losing the sad part of me.
I’m losing it against the ground
The wind lifts and pushes it…
I choke crying out and then it is gone
Dried up…
The little word detaches itself
A story of disappearance.)
Ileana Faur holds an MFA in Photography and Video from the National University of Arts in Bucharest. In her artwork she investigates the construction of the individual in society by using archives, fairy-tales, legends and notions of the collective and individual subjectivity.
Raluca Croitoru:
The work presented in What’s left from my heart departs from a state of not-knowing and embraces this way of being in its various possibilities and manifestations. It is an investigation into what comes to the surface when a negation is placed in front of existing hierarchies of knowledge; when the act of making is done while being suspended, submerged, floating or turned upside down, looking with one blink outside and with the following one within oneself.
Raluca Croitoru (RO/NL) is a visual artist and performer. Her artistic practice has a multidisciplinary approach that coalesces fine art, movement and performance. Her current research is centred around the concept of “geographies of freedom”, investigating ways in which geography and architecture produce, maintain, and spatialise freedom. Through this lens, she is wondering how an unconditioned body would look/move/be. Croitoru’s most recent works have been performed or displayed at TBA Portland (USA), Yellow Brick (GR), Art in General (NYC), Art Encounters Biennial (RO), Playground Performance Festival (BE), W139 and MAMA (NL).
Curators: Simona Dumitriu and Tawanda Appiah
Additional information on the programming will be released soon.
Thank you: Ioana Cojocariu, Ramona Dima, Linus Svensson
Skånes konstförening’s public program and exhibitions are presented with support from Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Swedish Arts Council and ABF.