SYSTERIA presents “Den här kroppen”

PREMIERE of SYSTERIA’s new performance ”Den här kroppen”
Duration: ca. 40min
17 May, 6-8.30pm, premiere
18 May, 4-18.30pm, performance and artist talk with SYSTERIA
“SYSTERIA has, like so many others, our own experiences similar to the testimonies the world took part of under the #metoo fall.
We were many that hoped to witness a revolution when it came to male behaviour towards women. We were many that thought that now, now that they hear how we experience those small jokes and drunk comments, we’d spare our younger sisters.
Our daughters would escape the humiliation.
But what happened? Did we get a revolution? Did we see changes in our workplaces or spheres that we are heavily depended on?”
SYSTERIA art collective aims to explore the relationship and power to our bodies.
In cooperation with Skånes konstförening and ABF Malmö.
Skånes konstförening’s public program and exhibitions are presented with support from Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Swedish Arts Council and ABF.