This short video was filmed with artist Mandhla Ndubiwa in March 2020 at Skånes konstförening, Malmö. While preparing for the opening of Ndubiwa’s exhibition Izifundo Zikababa (March 13 – May 10), curator C. Grace Chang talked with her about this exhibition, her latest residency in Berlin, and her artistic practice.  

For more info on Izifundo Zikababa, please visit our website: The exhibition is open Wed-Fri, 1-5pm, and Sat/Sun, 1-4pm until May 10.

You can find more on and by Mandhla Ndubiwa on her website, Instagram (mandhlandubiwa) and YouTube (  

List of photographers included in the video:  
Lena Bergendahl (
Samet Durgun (@hi.sametdurgun)
Elia Diane Fushi Bekene (@selflove_tribute)
Selma Lamphart (@selmas_fotos)
Gerhard F. Ludwig (
Rafael Medina (@rafaml)
Miriam Owusu-Adjei (@m00nisneveralone)
Susanne Schramke (@susanneschramke)

PDF with Swedish subtitles:

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