Gallery Night at Skånes konstförening

Pets or Food performing live
Finissage, Carrier Pigeon Release + Live Music for Gallery Night!
Gallery Night at Skånes Konstförening
Saturday September 30
Free entry (and vegan sausages)
Paragoge – Matti Sumari & Petter Dahlström Persson
installation, performance, video
Open as usual Sat-Sun 13:00-16:00
14:00 – Release of carrier pigeons from the Gallery
Carrier pigeons released in an unknown location always try to navigate home. There are a number of different theories about how the pigeons find their way home. Some think they use their eyesight to follow landmarks, but perhaps the most common perception is that they use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate their inner compass. On September 30th, a number of carrier pigeons from one of the Valdemarsro clubs will be released from the parking lot at Skåne konstförening to fly home.
14:30 – Reading of Dear General John J. Pershing by EvaMarie Lindahl
The text Dear General John J. Pershing is a letter from the war pigeon Cher Ami to the general who gave her the Croix de Guerre medal for her desperate flight during the Battle of the Argonne in October 1918. The letter will be read out by the Malmö based artist EvaMarie Lindahl who works with extensive drawing projects as well as text. Lindahl is also a PhD student within the field of critical animal studies at the Center for Human Animal Studies at Edge Hill University, UK. Her artistic research and work focuses on the animal’s subordinate position in society and within the arts’ production system.
22:00 – Live Local Music! Bands: PETS OR FOOD + MARY ANNE’S POLAR RIG
End your evening with live music by the Malmö based bands Pets or Food and Mary Anne’s Polar Rig at Skånes konstförening.
Pets or Food
No-wave romantics who use saxophone, chaotic beats and squealing guitars to make some proper noise on stage. Post-punk in its prime.
Mary Anne’s Polar Rig
Loud, fuzzy pop in a high tempo with a talent for melodies. Influenced by the nineties in all its glory.