Finissage: film screening of Paria + artist talk

I will not be sad in this world
13 October – 5 November, 2017
This week will be the last chance to see the exhibition I will not be sad in this world by Gylleboverket. Their exhibition at Skånes konstförening is based on the image of life versus life itself and the ability to control it. The exhibition space becomes a temporary room for an exploration of reality through the acted and artificial. Find more information about the exhibition through following this link:
Finissage event!
Film screening of Paria
+ talk by the artists
Sunday November 5, 14:00-16:00
Free admission
In connection to the final day of the exhibition I will not be sad in this world by Gylleboverket, there will be a screening of the film “Paria” by Jona Elfdahl at Skånes konstförening. The film is about Adryan Linden, who is one of the main sources of inspiration for the exhibition.
Length: 30 min
Produced by: Jonas Franksson/Unga Rörelsehindrade.
Participants: Adryan Lindén together with three of his personal assistants.
The film takes place in Adryan’s apartment.