Exhibition Guidance by M. Unearth

Exhibition Guidance by M. Unearth
13 April 2019, 6.30pm
Skånes konstförening, Bragegatan 15
M. Unearth’s Exhibition Guidance is part of the public program accompanying the exhibition The appearance and disappearance of futures and pasts, featuring installations by C. Grace Chang and Johan Lundin.
Statement of the artist:
Welcome to a guidance of the exhibition The appearance and disappearance of futures and pasts. The guidance will start like a simple walkthrough in the exhibition but it will slowly turn into something more reminding of a fitness session and everybody is welcome to follow along as much or little as they want and can.
M. Unearth is a fashion designer and founder of Human Creator brand using dance to create clothing. Since 2011, they have been producing pre existence collections, they have been producing costumes for several performances and were exhibited at Cité des Arts in Paris in the basement, on the floor under some plastic during one month.
Gallery Extra is a curatorial platform for art with focus on performance. The project is run by a lot of alter ego characters mainly performed by Johan Lundin. The core in this way of working with art is mobility and communal power and the possibility of collaboration to create a stable but continuously changing production platform. Sometimes this collaboration and stability can be within your own different selves and your own bodies, and sometimes it can be together with others.
Photo: Graziella Loyrette
Johan Lundin, born 1988 in Lund, Sweden, is an artist producing performance, installation and video. The performativity and audience interactivity could be understood through relating to the notion dance as going in to a role, taking on a mission or a character. An approach is communicated of a setting to always be understood through the character enacting the space, living it, putting life and character in to it, dancing in it. Stating that by the act of dancing one can choose to enhance a setting, see the setting as something else, relate to the setting in alternative ways or make the setting disappear completely.
M. Unearth’s Exhibition Guidance will be followed by Who are you? Are you a name and a space? Tawanda Appiah and Simona Dumitriu in conversation.
Skånes konstförening’s public program and exhibitions are presented with support from Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, Swedish Arts Council and ABF.