Cancelled: Artist talk + Q&A: Mandhla Ndubiwa

Artist talk: March 14, 3-5 pm
Due to the Covid 19 virus, the public opening tonight of Mandhla Ndubiwas exhibiton Izifundo Zikababa has been cancelled. Instead we will have a private event and Mandhla’s performance will be available as a live stream on Skånes konstförening’s Instagram at 7 pm on March 13! The artist talk with Mandhla will also be cancelled and replaced by a recorded interview. More information to be announced.
Skånes konstförening will have Mandhla’s exhibition open to the public as planned during our regular opening hours. Visit us this weekend: Sat–Sun, 1 pm–4 pm or next week: We–Fri, 1 pm–5 pm.
We are keeping ourselves updated on the situation and would also like to remind you of the Swedish Public Health Agency‘s recommendation to stay home if you have symptoms or feel sick.
With all this in mind, take care of each other and we hope to see you soon!
Mandhla Ndubiwa (b. 1997, Zimbabwe) is a multimedia performance artist based in Berlin and Cologne. As part of the drag collective House of Living Colors, Mandhla had a theatrical residency this year at Sophiensaele in Berlin.
As a political and social activist, she is a part of the BI*PoC collective DEMASK, which strives to create safer spaces for QT BI*PoC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous & People of Color) in Cologne and the surrounding areas.
Her debut exhibition, Izifundo Zikababa, mixes movement, gender, desire, love, and witchcraft through various forms of media. She offers her own form of visual storytelling about the parallels between Zimbabwean culture and her own experience as a body.
Accessible entry via the elevator entrance several meters to the left of the main entrance.
Our program is supported by Malmö Stad, Region Skåne, the Swedish Arts Council, and ABF.